Monday, August 18, 2008


Assalamualaikum w.b.t,
Hi ladies.., here is the new update for those who have paid or reserved with deposit. Last week i kena demam and fact almost sume dalam rumah i x on and off sakit yang i'm so sorry kalau lambat respond pd email and cbox..and also lambat pos barang..sorry yer..:D
1)Yatt Tajul
RM130 + 55 - Paid
Tracking no: LX419637991my
RM109 - Paid
Pending delivery, pre-order item
3)Ahyue miss
Deposit RM124 - Paid
Pre-order item
4)Shariffah Zarihan
Deposit RM25 - Paid
RM49 - Paid
Pending delivery
Pada semua yang x baca my terms & conditions kat sebelah kanan ni haaa ----->
starting from last week, i've decided to only post out item/s twice a week..on Wednesday and Friday..unless ada hari2 lain yang i ada masa untuk keluar gi post office so i akan post barang sekali. Sebab i tak buat ni as my full time job..wat part time aje..:p's been a while since the last time i post an entry for FOTD & EOTD kan..nanti tengok tahap kerajinan i berada di tahap berapa.muahahaaa..macam tak ada kerja lain je..ok daaaa!!

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